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Video Library

You can find even more videos and information here on our YouTube page.

BBIC: Introduction to Broadcast Internet

BBIC: Broadcast Internet Remote Learning Demo

BBIC: Broadcast Internet Public Safety Demo

BBIC: Broadcast Internet Emergency Alert Demo

Datacasting Emergency Management Demo

Technology Demonstration of SpectraRep Datacasting

Overview of datacasting technology in the DHS S&T spiral 2 exercise at the Gorge in Grant County.

Datacasting in 100 Seconds

This 100 second video outlines how DHS Science and Technology Directorate’s First Responders Group (FRG) is exploring new spectrum options for public safety use through the piloting of datacasting technology.

Houston Public Media: Datacasting Pilot Project

This video discusses the value of datacasting and how KUHT in Houston is leveraging this technology for public safety.

4th of July Emergency Management Project on the National Mall

SpectraRep’s IncidentOne technology was used to support video and file sharing among multiple agencies during the July 4th 2011 festivities in northern Virginia and on the National Mall. IncidentOne, a state-of-the-art, wireless emergency communications solution, delivered operational and crisis incident data to mobile emergency management command centers and police cruisers positioned around northern Virginia and Washington, DC. For the first time, digital television was used to overcome bandwidth challenges by using spectrum from WETA-TV to securely deliver data directly to emergency responders without competing with the increased Internet and cell phone activity caused by the public.